Tuesday, October 9, 2007


does anyone else have a problem uploading images to blogger? error message after error message. or just not uploading one picture but uploading others. or choosing to space them all on it's own - a foot here, an inch there, a millimeter here etc?

i spent nearly an half hour uploading the previous blog and it about drove me nuts. once i got them all on i spent another ten minutes attempting to space them correctly! argh. perhaps i shouldn't have uploaded so many pictures. perhaps i shouldn't be so anal about the spacing. but i also don't think it's the operator here - am i wrong?


i am not a 'technologized' person......

1 comment:

carrster said...

What internet browser are you using? I had a lot of problems when I was using Safari (Mac's native browser) but when I use Firefox I've had NO problems.