Tuesday, February 19, 2008

and with that....

...last post i promise to not blog about my period again (or for a long while at least).

moving on...

today was a rather crabby day and i'm not sure why. it just was. perhaps it was related to...wait...sorry...not talking about that. but it might have been. every little thing just seemed to piss me off more than it should - more than i should have let it. frustrating.

when i got to work my computer took f-o-r-e-v-e-r (seriously...forever) to start up. then it wouldn't let me log in! i tried and tried and tried - nothing. i finally had to call the IT department so they could let me change my password. that computer manages to piss me off pretty much every morning. it's 2008 - perhaps my place of employment should invest in computers that are not older than myself and have a faster server.....

after that it was just more minor things. like getting frustrated again at the fact that i'm educated and work a job that does not require any education. i long for a job that has an actual job description. one that has actual duties (aside from stamping endless streams of paper or writing 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE!' until my head wants to explode). i want a job that pays more. and i know the answer to that - get another job! and i want to - but....well...i have reasons for wanting to keep this job awhile longer (reasons i will explain at a later date). so yeah - for the time being i'm stuck. and it makes me crabby.

there is a division within the company (which i think i've probably mentioned) and it's driving me nuts. i'm tired of keeping tabs on who comes in on what business and how angry they were that i couldn't help them. and why am i keeping tabs? i know the reports have been used in at least one meeting but nothing was done. it's just one more 'let's look busy even though the task is absolutely meaningless' thing to do. and no one tells me squat. there is a man that moved his office into our building over a month ago - did he ever come down to inform me of this? no. have i ever seen him? no. gee - i'm just the receptionist - please don't tell me anything - why on earth would i want to know! people have meetings and don't tell me that 20 people might be walking in wanting to know where it is. people go on vacation and think i'll just know - do i give off a psychic vibe? in short - people piss me off.

i know i'm not the only one - check out my friend kari's blog. she puts it better than i do. her latest blog made me cringe. people are - for the most part - stupid (except for myself and my friends - kari and i only associate with the educated). i was watching 'ellen' the other day - during Mardi Gras and her DJ was there interviewing people. so - the dj is in new orleans and asks a girl what state new orleans is in. she didn't know. ARE YOU F*CKING CRAPPING ME - you really don't know what state you're in?? and somehow it's always these people that tend to reproduce the most. it scares me.

ugh. i'm going to go eat some dinner. at least i did a really good workout tonight and that made me feel better......

oh - and you may have noticed (or not - maybe you mute it right away) my change in music. i find this selection good when you need to blow off steam. so turn it up! :)

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