Anyhow - Day 7!
Where should I start? At 12am of Day 7? Nah - I'll save the fun details of that until Day 6 :) Are you in suspense? Don't be - it's not really that exciting.
We woke up in - what would later show up on our hotel credit charge as Fort Wright KY. When we called The Radisson to say that we had been double charged for our room later on they would claim not to have a hotel in Fort Wright - or not really even knowing where Fort Wright was. The bill mess up eventually got taken care of but I'm still not sure what city we woke up in. It was very late when we arrived and we were incredibly cranky.
Moving on - we left The Radisson in Buttfucksville, KY and headed out to pick up my Grandma for lunch :) I love my grandma and only wish I lived closer to her - seeing her once a year is just not enough! Luckily I got to see her more growing up and I least I'll always have that - but I'd still like to see her more. We picked her up and headed over to Frisch's (Big Boy's) - her favorite restaurant. It was alright - the onion rings were good. Chris had to go and order a salad - I think he tries to make me feel fat sometimes! (Kidding Chris - I'm kidding! :))
After lunch we headed back to her apartment and chatted it up for a bit. I love listening to her stories! We took this lovely picture - I have to remember to print it out and send it her way soon! Maybe as a Christmas gift....
She gave me some records to take home with me - one of which I find hystarical but I don't have a picture of it so I'll save that story for another time. The record itself isn't funny - it's just the fact that I got it from my grandma :) She's a pretty hip lady! Involved in protests, a writer, an incredibly strong woman! I cried when we left. I hate leaving her. It's making me tear up now just thinking about it. I really wish we lived closer together :(
After leaving Chris and I went off in search of a coffee shop - we found a Starbuck's. Not a huge fan of the chains but it's reliable and I LOVE their strawberries and cream drink. Mmmm! Chris was extremely happy to have his iced coffee - as you can clearly see :)
In the photo below Chris points out our 'Drive from Hell.' As the title might suggest - it sucked. It sucked ass. But as it happened on Day 6 you'll just have to wait unti I blog about it to get the details - oh the suspense!
After the coffee and after the map looking - it was off to Cincinnati to meet Kari at the Museum Center (I always want to spell 'center' 'centre' - the same with 'theater' and 'theatre'). It was a beautiful day - not too hot. Just right. We got there before she did - none of us actually looked up directions we just wung it (is that how you spell 'wung'? is 'wung' a word?). Luckily we all ended up at the right spot. The Museum Center used to be a train terminal but now houses the Cincinnati History Museum, The Children's Museum and The Museum of Natural History and Science - along with many other features.
Kari and I contemplate a dive...
Unlike Chris - we go for it! Chris is kind of a wimp :) (Unfortunately Chris cuts Kari's head off)
After playing around in the fountain we headed inside. You have to buy tickets for each museum (which kinda sucked). We wanted to see the Pirate Exhibit so we bought tickets for that and also the Cincinnati History Center. The pirate exhibit was good. It wasn't great but it was good. Was it worth $16? Eh... I did learn things about pirate ships that I never knew before - which was interesting. It was (as always) fascinating to see all the artifacts and imagine the last time they were used and by whom and so on and so forth though.
The ceiling inside the intrance - the picture doesn't do it justice
I seem to be well known for my souvenier buying. I see nothing wrong with this. I think getting funky dinky tokens to remember your trip by are fun! (We did not buy the hats in the picture below - even I wouldn't go that far....) On Kari and I's trip last year I decided I wanted to start collecting snow globes. There is a slight problem with this - no one really makes the anymore! They are incredibly hard to come by - at least for me. I only came away with one for the entire trip (not from the Museum) - so that kinda sucked. We had fun looking though. They had taken anything and everything you could possibly imagine and made it pirate. Even rubber ducks -as you'll soon see....
Arrrrrr Matey!
(Although we do look rather fetching - perhaps I should have bought them...Kidding! Only Kidding! :))
Kari and I ride the train!
After getting out of the Pirate exhibit and Pirate gift shop we realized we had a mere 20 minutes to get through the History Center! Ack! We didn't really bother with most of it but instead concentrated on the awesome miniature Cincinnati they had made. It was incredible! I am a sucker for all things miniature - love them! (Unfortunately I never did have a doll house...) The glass panaling around the exhibit was tall and hard to take pictures through - luckily Chris is tall and got some good pictures :)
These are not the only pictures of fire trucks we have!
This is what it looked like in the early 1900's - the building shown above is still there though
I did mention we were dorks, right?
but Happy dorks :)
I loved this fountain!
Chris and Kari
They really did like each other - despite the faces :)
(Is it just me or does the font function give anyone else trouble? It's a major pain in my ass and I have no doubt that upon publishing this post the fonts will be anything but what I picked and at sizes of their own fancy. Argh)
I'm not trying to look pregant in this picture. I was just full. Did I mention I ordered a slab of dinner?
Chris and I - I totally admit to trying to look pregnant in this picture :) Kari saw what I was doing and was laughing - poor Chris had no idea. I'm sure he's going to love me posting this! (I love you Chris!)
After leaving Porkopolis and Mt. Adams (where it's located - more photos of that later on) we headed down to the Ohio River to have a look about. Our camera had eaten it's last pair of batteries and so Kari let me use her camera. Unfortunately it didn't like me and took blurry pictures. Ah well....
The Bengals Stadium - game in progress.
The Happy Couple
After exploring the river we headed back to good old Hamilton. I think we stayed up for awhile and chatted but we were all pretty tired and turned in earlier than usual. It was a good day. Oh - and least I forget - don't think I left Porkopolis without souveniers! We are now the proud owners of 4 pretty jar glasses that have the Rookwood label on them. Chris laughed at me but we've used them every day since our return :)
And that is that. Day 7.
Wow - that took a long time. I'm scared to hit 'publish'. I know it just screwed the crap out of my fonts...argh!
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