Friday, February 1, 2008

do not touch me. ever.

meet minerva. the world's most un-cuddley cat. ever.

sure she's cute. she'll even pretend that she likes you. she'll meow and meow like she's absolutely starving for some attention - until you go to pet her and the above happens. she's never bitten or scratched anyone but wow can she growl. deep guttural growls of rage. she hates being touched - especially near her head. she'll tolerate petting on her back - and once in a blue moon she'll like it. but don't try and pick her up. she braces her paws against your chest and pulls her head back like your the the most disgusting thing to ever come into her line of vision. sigh.....

in other news.....

today is february 1st. i made it through an entire month of blog 365 without a snag. in fact - i posted 48 times! something tells me i shouldn't brag about this fact as it probably just helps clarify the fact that i have no life.

today is also the day i'm supposed to get my measurements done. and to celebrate this joyous occasion kristin is coming over to eat pizza and drink with me. perhaps i should do the measurements first.......

oh - one more note in the 'cheeseball' story. when he didn't show up my supervisor and i drafted an e-mail explaining that we would like to set up a new time...etc etc. she (my supervisor) made a passing comment in jest about the way things are going 'over there' and that they probably let him go on monday morning. well....turns out they did. oops! who knows what is going to happen now....

alright. kristin should be here any minute. she wanted to watch 'willow' but it's on vhs and our vcr doesn't work. that and i was traumatized as a child when i was taken to see it in the theater. my dad (or mom - can't remember) had to come and pick me up becuase i started crying and was so scared when they sent that baby down the river in the leaf basket. i thought he would die. funny how i got scared at that but not when my babysitter took me to see the gremlins (might have been becuase she put my sun jacket over my head. then there was that time when i saw 'teen wolf' in the theater. i ducked down behind the seats whenever he started to transform. i'm getting sidetracked...but while on the subject - what movies scared you as a child?

one more thing - any of you sprint users out there? i just got that new phone and for some reason it picks up my phone calls without my ever touching/answering the phone. it doesn't even ring. i'll just be sitting there and all the sudden the white noise of the speaker phone comes on. the outer screen says it's a call - but no ring - just picks up the call. i can hear the other person breathing (while they wait for an answer i guess) but they can't hear me unless i pick it up and open it. very strange......


Molly said...

My cat, Libby, bites. He likes to bite Kelly the most. :) I think Kelly scares him.

Ryan hated Willow too, but he's always calling it The Hobbit. Silly boy. Pet Semetary scared the poop out of me. I used to watch tons of Stephen King movies, loved that they'd freak me out. Now, Signs. Eep.

KeLL said...

Have you met Libby, Molly's big angry furball?
I want to cuddle with him (he's the fluffiest, softest cat I know). But he leaves me with scars.
I have picked him up before. But only for a few seconds. He's a vicious little shit!

KeLL said...

Ha Ha! I just read Molly's post!

I love Willow!

I can't watch Gremlins alone. Only movie to give me nightmares.

Anonymous said...

Charlie and the chocolate factory scared me as child. When the little girl turned into a blueberry I was so devastated. Even if she was spoiled and demanding....probably shouldn't admit that movie scared me, huh...