Sunday, November 18, 2007

Teddy Bear: Part 2

slowly but surely i'm making some progress....
tomorrow comes the body and hopefully some arms and legs. then i still have 2 more to make! yikes! i best get a move on, eh?
other than crocheting crocheting crocheting i spent the day having lunch with Chris, his brother Nathan, his wife Mandy and Aunt Fran - it was good. I had some awesome cinnamon raisin pancakes. then we stopped into to see Mandy at work - she works here. i started buying these zipper pulls (i'm not sure how many zipper pulls one needs but i have plenty) - they are super cute. i got one awhile ago - one of the rare ones (you don't know what one you're going to get when you buy it. it's a suprise which is partially why they are so addictive). so today i bought another and gave it to chris - low and behold it was the exact same rare one as me! so now we have matching pulls - as you can imagine he was thrilled :)
alright - chris is harrassing me to get off the computer ('stop blog blog blogging' as he calls it) so he can finish up some work.


carrster said...

Very cute teddy head!

Dolce said...

I'm impressed! I knitted a scarf once but it keeps curling up instead of lying flat. I gave up and went back to painting.