Friday, November 30, 2007

My Life by Google Image

i came across this "meme" at this site and then again at this site. so - seeing as how i actually have lots to blog about but don't feel like using too much it goes...

1. Age at next birthday: 28

hey - i live there!

2. Place I would like to travel: Anywhere (with Christopher)

cheesy i know...but true :)

3. My Favorite Place: Home

4. My Favorite Objects: Yarn and Kitties

i know kitties aren't really objects but since i just got them back today...they're on the brain

5. Favorite Food: Anything I don't have to cook

i have no idea what this has to do with what i typed...

6. My Favorite Color: Red, Black and White

and it's true..i'm not...
7. My Nickname: Michelle My Belle

i know this is always the first image that pops into my head when i hear that song....what?!

8. The Place I was born: Isn't it just obvious??

9. Ideal Date: Dinner, Drinks and Monopoly

is my dorkiness not obvious?

10. Where you hope to be in 5 years: Happy

so that's how it's done!

now you do the same. simply type in your answers to Google Image Search and pick a pic from the first page of results :)


Vibajiba said...

i can't get this to work!!! argh!

Dolce said...

The life instructions were great! What about the 3 old ladies? Very random.