Thursday, November 29, 2007


i'm not cranky today - well - as cranky. i'm just...well...'meh'.......

perhaps it's becuase it's that time. perhaps it's because i feel like an overblown balloon. perhaps it's because my face is breaking out. perhaps. perhaps. perhaps......

i know it'll pass. i'm just overly sensitive right now - so be nice or i might cry. perhaps there is something to that little thing called pms that i've always dismissed. hmph.

right now i'm just going to concentrate on zombieing my way through the day knowing that in exactly 6 hours and 35 minutes my 3 day weekend will begin. at this time tomorrow morning i will be home and awaiting my dads arrival - he's bringing my babies :)

so there ya go....meh....

1 comment:

Dolce said...

Three day weekend! That would get me thought the day, and look- only 5.5 hours left to go!